Business, immigration, internships and jobs in Canada

This program aims at acceding to the business world and immigration through temporary employment in Canada. It is not the Canadian program for investor immigrants nor the program for entrepreneurs. This support program is custom-built by Construction Daniel Dargis Inc. for business people and uses as a basis the Canadian Government program for temporary workers. It opens on immigration but without guarantee. It allows a certain class of foreign business people to gain experience and knowledge of business in Canada through temporary employment while receiving coaching to create and operate their own businesses in Canada . This is a tailor-made formula created for business people wishing to immigrate while doing business in Canada with the help of Construction Daniel Dargis Inc.

Business people in the field of construction interested in working temporarily in Canada to acquire special knowledge of the Canadian business environment.

Selection criteria:

  • Owning a lucrative business in the home country for 1 year or more and have an excellent experience as an entrepreneur in the following areas :
    • construction (materials or services);
    • real-estate projects;
    • renewable energy;
  • Be willing to work in Canada for at least 1.5 years;
  • Pay registration fees before arrival in Canada; and
  • Possess the skills and qualifications needed to fill skilled jobs in sectors eligible for the program of immigration of temporary foreign workers, or
  • Create a business in Canada eligible for the immigration program for temporary foreign workers with the help of Construction Daniel Dargis Inc.


  • Employment with a salary for a period of 1.5 years;
  • Coaching as an employee : Support, training on the job on concrete projects, as an employee in:
    • Project Management;
    • Techniques, Laws and Building Codes in Quebec and Canada;
    • Languages;
    • Regional tours to visit businesses, construction sites and projects.
  • Coaching as an entrepreneur : Support, training parallel to employment, in order to create and operate one’s own construction company and as an entrepreneur while following the employment program for 1.5 years:
    • Training in the regulations of the RBQ, labour standards in the construction sector and other;
    • Possibility to negotiate an agreement for the creation of a RBQ business for the client allowing him to be the owner of a Canadian construction company;
    • Support to buy land to build and renovate buildings;
    • Meet the leaders and people of the business network of Construction Daniel Dargis Inc. : Associations of construction professionals, contractors, subcontractors, municipalities and others.
  • Support to settle with their families in the Canadian environment: assistance in finding a house or an apartment, schools, to complete documents such as: a driver’s license and other things, city tour and regional tour.
  • Access to immigration : Possibility for access to permanent immigration to Canada in qualifying for the Quebec experience program.

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